Neo Pagan Symbols – Meaning and Significance

Neo paganism is a modern religious movement that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is a form of spiritual practice that combines elements of a variety of ancient and modern religious traditions. One of the core aspects of neo paganism is the use of symbols that represent and embody its beliefs. In this article, we will take a look at some of the symbols commonly used in neo paganism and explore their meaning and significance.

Neo-Paganism is a form of modern spirituality that is based on ancient religious and spiritual beliefs, rituals, and traditions. It is a form of polytheism that is based on the worship of multiple gods and goddesses, and is often associated with nature worship and the celebration of seasonal festivals. While many people associate Neo-Paganism with the Wiccan religion, it actually encompasses a much broader range of spiritual paths, including Druidry, Shamanism, Heathenry, and many others.

What are some common Neo-Pagan symbols?

Neo-Pagan symbols can vary widely depending on the spiritual path being followed, however some symbols are more commonly associated with Neo-Paganism. These symbols are often used to represent a particular god or goddess, to represent a particular spiritual practice, or to represent a particular aspect of the spiritual path. Some of the most common Neo-Pagan symbols include:

  • The Pentacle: The pentacle is a symbol commonly used in Wicca and other Neo-Pagan paths. It is a five-point star with a circle around it and is often used to represent the five elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. It can also be used to represent protection, balance and harmony.
  • The Triple Moon: The triple moon is a symbol commonly associated with the goddess, and is often used in rituals to represent the three stages of a woman’s life: maiden, mother and crone. The crescent moons often represent the waxing and waning of the moon, while the full moon in the center symbolizes the fullness of the goddess.
  • The Ankh: The ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol that is often used to represent life, fertility and the connection between the spiritual and physical worlds. It is a cross with a loop at the top, and is sometimes referred to as the “key of life”.
  • The Horned God: The horned god is a symbol commonly associated with the god in Wicca and other Neo-Pagan paths. The horns represent strength and power, while the antlers represent the cycle of life and death.
  • The Circle and the Spiral: The circle and the spiral are symbols commonly used to represent the cycle of life, death and rebirth. The circle can also be used to represent unity and connection, while the spiral can be used to represent the journey of life.
  • The Sun and the Moon: The sun and the moon are symbols commonly used to represent the balance of light and darkness, and the union between the masculine and feminine energies. The sun can also be used to represent life, fertility and the cycle of the seasons.
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What is the significance of these symbols?

The symbols used in Neo-Paganism often have deep and powerful meanings, and can be used to represent a particular god or goddess, to represent a particular spiritual practice, or to represent a particular aspect of the spiritual path. For example, the pentacle is often used to represent the five elements, while the triple moon is used to represent the three stages of a woman’s life.

In addition, the symbols can also be used as tools for meditation, visualization and manifestation. By focusing on a particular symbol and its associated meaning, you can use it as a tool to help you manifest your goals and desires.

The symbols can also be used as talismans, or protective charms. By wearing a particular symbol or carrying it with you, you can call on its protective energy to help you through difficult times.

How can I use these symbols in my practice?

There are many ways to incorporate Neo-Pagan symbols into your spiritual practice. You can use them as a focus for meditation and visualization, or you can use them as a tool for manifestation and protection. You can also use them as talismans, or protective charms, to help you through difficult times.

You can also use the symbols as a way to connect with the gods and goddesses of the Neo-Pagan pantheon. When you focus on a particular symbol, you can call on the energy of the god or goddess associated with that symbol.

Finally, you can use the symbols to decorate your home or workspace. Whether you choose to hang a pentacle on your wall or place a triple moon on your altar, the symbols can help to create a sacred and protected space for your spiritual practice.


Neo-Pagan symbols are powerful tools to help us connect with the gods and goddesses of the Neo-Pagan pantheon, and to create a sacred and protected space for our spiritual practice. They can be used as a focus for meditation and visualization, as a tool for manifestation and protection, and as talismans or protective charms. By meditating on these symbols and connecting with their energies, we can deepen our spiritual practice and bring greater understanding and balance into our lives.

In conclusion, Neo Pagan symbols are an important part of many Neo Pagan traditions. They are used to represent the divine and to connect with the spiritual world. They can also be used as reminders of important spiritual truths and as a way to focus on the divine. Symbols are a powerful tool for Neo Pagans to use to express their beliefs and their connection to the divine. By understanding and using these symbols, Neo Pagans can deepen their spiritual practice and create a more meaningful connection with the divine.