The Pagan Federation: Connecting Pagans Worldwide

The Pagan Federation is an international organization dedicated to promoting and defending the civil rights of Pagans worldwide. Founded in 1971, it serves as a network for Pagans to exchange ideas, foster understanding, and advocate for the acceptance of their beliefs and practices. This article provides an overview of the Pagan Federation’s mission, goals, and activities. It also looks at how the organization has evolved in recent years and its efforts to promote interfaith dialogue.

The Pagan Federation (PF) is an international organisation which works to promote and support Paganism worldwide. It was founded in 1971 by the late Professor Ronald Hutton, and is one of the oldest and largest Pagan organisations in the world.

The Pagan Federation is a charity, and is open to all Pagans who accept and abide by our Code of Ethics. We have members in many countries around the world, from Australia to the United States.

What is Paganism?

What is Paganism?

Paganism is an ancient spiritual tradition that honours the cycles of nature and celebrates the divine in all its forms. It includes a variety of different spiritual paths, including Wicca, Druidry, and Shamanism, as well as many other diverse traditions.

Paganism is characterised by respect for the Earth and its inhabitants, a reverence for the Divine in all its forms, and a celebration of the cycles of nature. Paganism is also characterised by a respect for individual autonomy and the right of each individual to determine their own spiritual path.

What does the Pagan Federation do?

The Pagan Federation is dedicated to promoting and supporting Paganism worldwide. We provide information, education, and resources to Pagans, as well as a platform for networking and connecting Pagans from around the world.

The Pagan Federation also works to ensure that the rights of Pagans are respected and defended. We are committed to working with other faith groups, as well as with civil society organisations and governments, to ensure that Pagans are treated fairly and that their rights are respected.

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What are the benefits of joining the Pagan Federation?

The Pagan Federation offers a range of benefits to its members, including access to our online members’ area, discounts on books and other products, and access to our wide network of Pagan contacts.

Members of the Pagan Federation also benefit from being able to take part in our annual events, such as our Summer Gathering and Winter Retreat, as well as having access to our online forums and other online resources.

How can I join the Pagan Federation?

Joining the Pagan Federation is easy! All you need to do is fill in our online application form and pay the membership fee. Once you have done this, you will receive a welcome email with your membership details and information about how to access the members’ area.

The membership fee for the Pagan Federation is £15 for a year, or £25 for two years. All memberships are renewable on an annual basis.

What are the Principles of Paganism?

The Pagan Federation is guided by a set of Principles of Paganism which set out the core values of Paganism. These Principles are:

  • Respect for the Earth and its inhabitants
  • Reverence for the Divine in all its forms
  • Recognition of the cycles of Nature
  • Support for individual autonomy and the right of each individual to determine their own spiritual path

These Principles are the foundation of the Pagan Federation and guide our work in promoting and supporting Paganism worldwide.

In conclusion, the Pagan Federation is an important organization that has brought together people of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs to celebrate and promote paganism. It has provided a safe and inclusive space for pagans to practice their religion, share their knowledge and experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals. The Pagan Federation has also worked to educate the public about paganism and to dispel misconceptions about the religion. Through its various activities and initiatives, the Pagan Federation has demonstrated its commitment to creating a vibrant and welcoming pagan community. The Pagan Federation is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning more about paganism and connecting with others who share their beliefs.